Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
3,163 lines
; DXF to 3DVectors Converter by John McCarthy (Also .PLG converter)
; Current DXF types supported: 3DFACE, PFACE
; The 3dfaces are between 1 and 4 points where:
; 1 = single point
; 2 = line
; 3 = triangle
; 4 = quadagon (?)
; Whereas the PFACE performs the same function but can be a mesh up to:
; 1 to 3000 vertexes (see maxpolyline below)
; 1 to 2000 connections (see maxconns below)
; 1 to 3000 surfaces (see maxsurfs below)
;DXF23DV inputname outputname [-s# -x# -y# -z# -mfilename -u# -v# -w# -l -n -q]
; -x x translation for object (before scale) - can be floating point, +z = up
; -y y translation for object (before scale) - can be floating point, +z = up
; -z z translation for object (before scale) - can be floating point, +z = up
; -s scale factor - can be floating point
; -u x translation for object (after scale) - integer only, +y = down
; -v y translation for object (after scale) - integer only, +y = down
; -w z translation for object (after scale) - integer only, +y = down
; -m materials list filename (corresponds to layer names)
; -l selective layer processing (only process layers that are found
; in materials file)
; -n output true calculated surface normal (otherwise 0,0,0), useless option
; -q negate Y output axis
; -b sort surfaces based on surface normal (default=sort)
; Material names can be as long as ACAD allows!
; I you have trouble assigning a material to a line it may be because the
; layer that the line is on has the shading option. Lines do not have
; surface normals and therefore cannot have the shading option set.
; If DXF23DV finds this occurance, it will insert a default texture that
; has no shading texture. eg: 0,0,colour,0
; If your a total knumbskull (like me) and you get ACAD's co-ordinate
; system messed up (like me) you can use the -q option to negate the Y
; axis and reverse the orientation of the polygons. This will fix the
; object if it appears to be "backwards".
; Do not use punctuation in your material names or layer names.
; A # sign in the materials means a comment
; A : means to put the following text AFTER the connection data.
; Using the PFACE allows ACAD to assign polygons with more than 4 surfaces.
; This removes the need for polygon optimization and gives greater control
; over the implementation of surfaces.
; The ACAD layer name is matched up with a materials file to give each surface
; a seperate surface type/colour/whatever. Surfaces can be selected through
; AutoCAD to be double sided, shaded, sine waved, or anything the user wants
; simply by nameing a new layer and assigning those surfaces to that layer.
; The materials file can then be edited/added in order to obtain the results
; the user desires. If the shade option is used, the words 0,0,0 are
; AUTOMATICALLY inserted into the face. There is no need to use the colon
; option to add them. For a rundown on the colon option, see version 0.3
; Sample materials file follows:
; # This is a comment
; # There must be 5 fields in each assigned texture!!
; CONSTANT 0,0,0,colour0,0
; SHADED 0,shade,0,colour1,0
; SINE 0,wavey,0,colour2+rnd/16,0
; BOTHSIDES both,0,0,colour3,0
; BOTHSHADE both,shade,0,colour4,0
; DOUBLESIDED double,0,0,colour5a,colour5b
; DOUBLESHADE double,shade,shade,colour6a,colour6b
; 1SHADE2SINE 0,shade,wavey,colour7a,colour7b
; 1SINE2SHADE 0,wavey,shade,colour8a,colour8b
; 2SINE double,wavey,wavey,colour9a,colour9b
; SAMPLESIDE this is,an example,of what,you can,do!
; HIBITMAP himap:,0,5,5
; Make sure your 3DFACEs and PFACEs are entered in Counter-Clockwise order!
; Version 0.2:
; DXF to 3DV now accepts REND386 .PLG's!! Note: The maximum number of
; verticies in any PLG is defined by maxpolyline (see below)
; The materials file can now how the keyword RND in it to generate a random
; number between 0 and 255. This may be useful for sine texture
; mis-alignment.
; Version 0.3:
; Colons can be placed in materials to output text/data/comments after a
; polygon face definition.
; Consider a material like so
; MATERIALXY 0,mesh,0,colourxy,0:;hello there
; will return a face line like so
; dw 0,mesh,0,colourxy,0,1,2,3,6,7,1;hello there
; Bitmaps can now be defined in AutoCAD and then placed as part of an object.
; Notice how I used the new and fancy colon option?
; eg: a material of
; HIBITMAP himap:,0,5,5 ;testtest
; will return a line of
; dw himap,29,0,5,5 ;testtest
; To implement the bitmap option, define a 3dface in AutoCAD on the layer
; hibitmap. DXF23DV will find the layer, match it up with the material, and
; scan for the text "map" in the material. If it is found, it will make the
; surface into a bitmap. This is good for adding explosions/static bitmaps
; to dead objects. Check out XWING to see what I mean.
; Version 0.4:
; Connection data is sorted according to surface normal. This is in
; preparation for iteration handling.
; Small bug with .PLG detection fixed. Also fixed a bug with the .PLG surface
; loading. Who uses .PLG's anyway right? Fixed...
; PFACES now work correctly
; Version 0.5:
; The option for direct layer name to material has been added. Although this
; kind of makes the materials file useless and if you make objects like this
; it could be tough to edit the surface type later. But anyway, use it like
; so: If the layer begins with an underscore, direct copy will take place.
; _0_shade_0_16_0 <= layer name
; This will directly copy the layer name into the object file replacing all _
; characters with a commas. Result: 0,shade,0,16,0
; Link this with PMODE, FILE, and ARGC
code32 segment para public use32
assume cs:code32, ds:code32, ss:code32
include pmode.ext
include file.ext
include argc.ext
public _main
matbufsize = 1500 ; materials list buffer size
yes = 1
no = 0
; Macros
upper macro regx ; make register uppercase
local strl
cmp regx,"a"
jb short strl
cmp regx,"z"
ja short strl
sub regx,"a"-"A"
imul32 macro regx
imul regx
shld edx,eax,1
inc edx
shr edx,1
movsx eax,dx
inputname db 60 dup (?)
outputname db 60 dup (?)
buffer db 60 dup (?)
nx dd 0 ; translation of location
ny dd 0
nz dd 0
scale dd 0 ; overall scale done after move
nu dd 0 ; translation of location after scale
nv dd 0
nw dd 0
randomnumber dd 5fe6c809h
fileloc dd 0 ; current location in DXF file (offset)
dxfo dd 0 ; start dxf file location
dxfsize dd 0 ; dxf filesize
mato dd 0 ; materials file location
matsize dd 0 ; materials file size
materials dd 0 ; materials/layer names offset
facetill dd 0 ; temp 3dface and poly gather length
maxpoints = 3000 ; max number of unique points in any DXF
maxconns = 4000 ; maximum connections
maxpolyline = 3000 ; maximum pface verticies
ox = 0 ; offsets for points (from conmem)
oy = ox+maxpoints*4
oz = oy+maxpoints*4
sd = oz+maxpoints*4 ; polygon number
p1 = sd+maxconns*4 ; point 1
p2 = p1+maxconns*4 ; point 2
wg = p2+maxconns*4 ; where going
wc = wg+maxconns*4 ; where came
ea = wc+maxconns*4 ; a,b,c,d of plane equation
eb = ea+maxconns*4
ec = eb+maxconns*4
ed = ec+maxconns*4
mt = ed+maxconns*4 ; texture/layer name
sk = mt+maxconns*4 ; temp data for sorting
bv = sk+maxpolyline*4
memoryneeded = oy+oz+sd+p1+p2+wg+wc+ea+eb+ec+ed+mt+sk+bv+maxpolyline*4
connmem dd 0 ; memory for points/connection data
points dd 0 ; number of points
surfaces dd 0 ; number of surfaces
connections dd 0 ; number of connections
thismaterial dd 0 ; current/working material
iterate db 0 ; flag to use iteration
shouldisort db 0 ; flag for sorting - always if iteration.
layer db 0 ; flag for selective layer processing
tnormal db 0 ; flag for true surface normal output
yneg db 0 ; flag for y negation
temp1 dd 0
temp2 dd 0
temp3 dd 0
temp4 dd 0
polyindex dd maxpolyline dup (0)
start dd 0
startconn dd 0
pvertexs dd 0
pfaces dd 0
colon dd 0 ; position of colon 0 = none, x = position
include extras.rt
errmsg0 db 13,10,'Missing Filename!',0dh,0ah,"$"
errmsg1 db 13,10,'Not Enough Memory!',0dh,0ah,"$"
errmsg2 db 13,10,'Error Opening File!',0dh,0ah,"$"
errmsg3 db 13,10,'Error Loading Materials File!',0dh,0ah,"$"
errmsg4 db 13,10,'Error:Too Many Points in File!',0dh,0ah,"$"
errmsg5 db 13,10,'Error:No 3DFACEs or PFACEs Found in DXF!',0dh,0ah,"$"
errmsg6 db 13,10,'Dont Know How To Handle Parts Of This DXF!',0dh,0ah,"$"
errmsg7 db 13,10,'Error:Nothing to do in .PLG!',0dh,0ah,"$"
okmsg db 13,10,"AutoCAD .DXF to 3DVECTORS converter by John McCarthy V0.5 (also does .PLG)"
db 13,10,"DXF23DV inputname outputname [-s# -x# -y# -z# -mfilename -u# -v# -w# -l -n -q]",10,13
db 13,10," -x x translation for object (before scale) - can be floating point, +z = up"
db 13,10," -y y translation for object (before scale) - can be floating point, +z = up"
db 13,10," -z z translation for object (before scale) - can be floating point, +z = up"
db 13,10," -s scale factor - can be floating point"
db 13,10," -u x translation for object (after scale) - integer only, +y = down"
db 13,10," -v y translation for object (after scale) - integer only, +y = down"
db 13,10," -w z translation for object (after scale) - integer only, +y = down"
db 13,10," -m materials list filename (corresponds to layer names)"
db 13,10," -l selective layer processing (only process layers that are found"
db 13,10," in materials file)"
db 13,10," -n output true calculated surface normal (otherwise 0,0,0), useless option"
db 13,10," -q negate Y output axis"
db 13,10," -b sort surfaces based on surface normal (default=sort)",13,10
db 13,10,"Use 3DFACE and PFACE to define your ACAD object."
db 13,10,"Enter your 3DFACEs and PFACEs in Counter-Clockwise order."
db 13,10,"BRIAN.MCCARTHY@CANREM.COM",13,10,"$"
okmsg1 db 13,10,"DXF23DV Converter V0.5 - This conversion conforms to version 3DVECT35",13,10,"$"
okmsg2 db 13,10,"Materials Found (Layers):",13,10,"$"
okmsg3 db 13,10,"Conversion Complete.",13,10," Points: $"
okmsg4 db " Surfaces: $"
okmsg5 db "Writing...",13,10,"$"
okmsg6 db "Sorting...",13,10,"$"
okmsg7 db "Done.",13,10,"$"
okmsg8 db "File type: .DXF",13,10,"$"
okmsg9 db "File type: .PLG",13,10,"$"
mov edx,offset errmsg0
call _putdosmsg
jmp okerr0
mov edx,offset errmsg1
call _putdosmsg
jmp okerr0
mov edx,offset errmsg2
call _putdosmsg
jmp okerr0
mov edx,offset errmsg3
call _putdosmsg
jmp okerr0
mov edx,offset errmsg4
call _putdosmsg
jmp okerr0
mov edx,offset errmsg5
call _putdosmsg
jmp okerr0
mov edx,offset errmsg6
call _putdosmsg
jmp okerr0
mov edx,offset errmsg7
call _putdosmsg
jmp okerr0
mov edx,offset okmsg
call _putdosmsg
jmp _exit
; Allocate memory
call _setbuf
mov eax,matbufsize ; allocate memory for materials
call _getmem
jc exiterr1
mov materials,eax
mov edi,eax
mov ecx,matbufsize/4 ; wipe materials buffer
xor eax,eax
rep stosd
mov eax,memoryneeded
call _getmem
jc exiterr1
mov connmem,eax
mov edi,eax
mov ecx,memoryneeded
xor eax,eax
rep stosb
mov points,eax
mov surfaces,eax
mov connections,eax
; Parse and open DXF, allocate memory, load DXF, close file
xor al,al
mov edx,offset inputname
call _cchekstr
jc exiterr0
mov edx,offset inputname
call _openfile
jc exiterr2
call _filesize
mov dxfsize,eax
call _getmem
jc exiterr1
mov dxfo,eax
mov edx,eax
mov ecx,dxfsize
call _readfile
jc exiterr2
call _closefile
mov edx,dxfo
mov ecx,dxfsize
call replace
; Parse and open materials file, allocate memory, load file, close file
mov matsize,0
mov al,"m" ; check for filename on commandline
mov edx,offset buffer
call _ccheksstr
jc nomaters
mov edx,offset buffer
call _openfile
jc exiterr3
call _filesize
mov matsize,eax
call _getmem
jc exiterr1
mov mato,eax
mov edx,eax
mov ecx,matsize
call _readfile
jc exiterr3
call _closefile
mov edx,mato
mov ecx,matsize
call replace
; Parse and open output filename
mov al,1 ; check for filename on commandline
mov edx,offset outputname
call _cchekstr
jc exiterr0
mov edx,offset outputname
call _createfile
jc exiterr0
; Get scaling factor for points
mov scale,1*65536
mov al,"s"
mov edx,offset buffer
call _ccheksstr
jc noscale
mov edx,offset buffer
mov eax,dword ptr buffer
call _get_float32
mov scale,eax
; Get position offset for points
mov nx,0
mov al,"x"
mov edx,offset buffer
call _ccheksstr
jc nox
mov edx,offset buffer
call _get_float32
mov nx,eax
mov ny,0
mov al,"y"
mov edx,offset buffer
call _ccheksstr
jc noy
mov edx,offset buffer
call _get_float32
mov ny,eax
mov nz,0
mov al,"z"
mov edx,offset buffer
call _ccheksstr
jc noz
mov edx,offset buffer
call _get_float32
mov nz,eax
mov nu,0
mov al,"u"
mov edx,offset buffer
call _ccheksstr
jc nou
mov edx,offset buffer
call _strhtn
call _vct32
mov nu,eax
mov nv,0
mov al,"v"
mov edx,offset buffer
call _ccheksstr
jc nov
mov edx,offset buffer
call _strhtn
call _vct32
mov nv,eax
mov nw,0
mov al,"w"
mov edx,offset buffer
call _ccheksstr
jc now
mov edx,offset buffer
call _strhtn
call _vct32
mov nw,eax
; Hunt for -i iteration option
mov shouldisort,yes
mov iterate,no
mov al,"i"
call _cchekswitchnc
jc yesiterate
mov iterate,yes
jmp pastsort
; Hunt for -b sorting option
mov al,"b"
call _cchekswitchnc
jc pastsort
mov shouldisort,no
; Hunt for -l selective layer option
mov layer,no
mov al,"l"
call _cchekswitchnc
jc yeslayer
mov layer,yes
; Hunt for -q y negation option
mov yneg,no
mov al,"q"
call _cchekswitchnc
jc yesneg
mov yneg,yes
; Hunt for -n normal output
mov tnormal,no
mov al,"n"
call _cchekswitchnc
jc yesnormal
mov tnormal,yes
; Test DXF or PLG
mov edx,offset okmsg1
call _putdosmsg
call isitadxforplg
jc do_plg
; Split DXF into single connection data, calc normals, assign materials
mov edx,offset okmsg8
call _putdosmsg
mov edx,offset okmsg2
call _putdosmsg
mov ebp,dxfsize
add ebp,dxfo
mov facetill,ebp
mov eax,dxfo
mov fileloc,eax
call dxf_3dfaces
mov eax,dxfo
mov fileloc,eax
call dxf_polylines
cmp surfaces,0
jz exiterr5
jmp cont
; Input PLG
mov edx,offset okmsg9
call _putdosmsg
mov edx,offset okmsg2
call _putdosmsg
call plg_getall
cmp surfaces,0
jz exiterr7
mov edx,offset okmsg3
call _putdosmsg
mov eax,points
call _dos_dec16
mov edx,offset okmsg4
call _putdosmsg
mov eax,surfaces
call _dos_dec16
call _dos_ret
call _dos_ret
call renumber_surfaces
call collect_points
call wipe_d
call sort_them
mov edx,offset okmsg5
call _putdosmsg
call output_file
mov edx,offset okmsg7
call _putdosmsg
call _closefile
jmp _exit
; Search for and (if neccessary) build materials list
; In:
; EDX => materials string (layer name) eg db "OBJECT1 "
; Out:
; EAX = assigned material number
mov esi,materials
mov edi,edx
xor ebp,ebp
cmp byte ptr [esi],0 ; test if at end of list => add on to list
je amadditz
mov al,[esi] ; check if material is already in list
mov bl,[edi]
inc esi
inc edi
mov cl,al
or cl,bl
jz amout
cmp al,bl
je amloop
dec esi
cmp al,0
jne amabort
cmp bl,"0"
jae amabortx
mov eax,ebp ; material already present, return number
push esi
mov al,[edx] ; material not found at all, add to list
mov [esi],al
inc edx
inc esi
cmp al,"0"
jae amaddit
pop edx
push ebp
push esi
mov al,"$"
mov [esi-1],al
call _putdosmsg
call _dos_ret
pop esi
xor al,al
mov [esi-1],al
pop eax
inc esi ; material not found, continue checking
cmp byte ptr [esi],0
jne amabort
inc esi
inc ebp
mov edi,edx
jmp amloopb
; Find material number ECX
; In: ECX = material number to find
; Out: EDX => location of material name (name only, use this to find material in file)
mov edx,materials
cmp ecx,0
je _ret
inc edx
cmp byte ptr [edx],0
jne mcxb
loop mcxb
inc edx
; Unpad string
; In: EDX => string eg " , Hello th"
; Out: EDX => string (after spaces, colons, whatever) eg "Hello th"
dec edx
inc edx
mov al,[edx]
cmp al,"-"
je upretx
cmp al,"."
je upretx
cmp al,"#"
je upretx
cmp al,"A"
jae upretx
cmp al,"9"
ja upx
cmp al,"0"
jb upx
db "**Hey - What are you doing ripping my code?!?!**"
; Next string
; In: EDX => string eg "Hello there mi"
; Out: EDX => next string (after spaces, colons, whatever) eg "there mi"
call unpad
dec edx
inc edx
mov al,[edx]
cmp al,"-"
je nxc
cmp al,"."
je nxc
cmp al,"#"
je nxc
cmp al,"A"
jae nxc
cmp al,"9"
ja nxretc
cmp al,"0"
jae nxc
jmp unpad
; Search_string: Find string at EDX in DXF file
; In:
; EDX => ASCIIZ string to search for (DXF)
; EDI = location to start search
; EBP = location to end search
; Out:
; CF = 1 - not found
; CF = 0 - found
; EDI = location where found
; Notes: String at EDI must have a space or zero at end for search tp succeed.
; eg: EDX => "HELLO",0
; EDI => "ABCDHELLOEFGI" will FAIL! - but " ABCDHELLO DKJ" will succeed!
mov esi,edx
mov ecx,edi
mov al,[esi]
mov ah,[ecx]
upper al
upper ah
inc esi
inc ecx
mov bl,al
or bl,ah
jz ssout
cmp al,ah
je ssloop
cmp al,0
jne ssabort
cmp ah,"0"
jae ssabort
cmp ecx,ebp
jae ssretx
inc edi
jmp search_string
; Search materials file for information on material ECX
; In: ECX = material number to look for
; Out: EDX => string containing surface information (terminated with db 0,0)
cmp matsize,0
je fidodefault
call find_ecx
cmp byte ptr [edx],"_" ; check for directo copy of layer name to material
je _ret ; yes, direct, exit with EDX => layer name
mov esi,edx
mov edx,mato
call unpad
xor ebx,ebx
mov al,[esi+ebx]
mov ah,[edx]
upper al
upper ah
inc ebx
inc edx
cmp al,ah
je ficx
cmp al,0
je fifoundm
dec edx
inc edx
cmp byte ptr [edx],0
jne fifinddol
mov eax,mato
add eax,matsize
cmp edx,eax
jb filoop
mov edx,offset fidefault
dec edx
mov al,[edx]
cmp al,"A"
ja fifinddol
cmp al,"9"
ja unpad
cmp al,"0"
jae fifinddol
jmp unpad
fidefault db "0,shade,0,colour,0",0 ; for regular faces
fidefaull db "0,0,0,colour,0",0 ; for lines
; Search line for "shade" or "glow"
; In: EDX => string containing surface information (terminated with db 0,0)
; Out: CF = 0 shade found, CF = 1 shade not found EDX = ?
push edx
mov al,[edx]
cmp al,0
je fsnoshade
inc edx
upper al
cmp al,"S"
jne find_shadeq
mov al,[edx+0]
upper al
cmp al,"H"
jne find_shadeq
mov al,[edx+1]
upper al
cmp al,"A"
jne find_shadeq
mov al,[edx+2]
upper al
cmp al,"D"
jne find_shadeq
mov al,[edx+3]
upper al
cmp al,"E"
jne find_shadeq
pop edx
pop edx
mov al,[edx]
cmp al,0
je fsnoshadez
inc edx
upper al
cmp al,"G"
jne find_shadez
mov al,[edx+0]
upper al
cmp al,"L"
jne find_shadez
mov al,[edx+1]
upper al
cmp al,"O"
jne find_shadez
mov al,[edx+2]
upper al
cmp al,"W"
jne find_shadez
; Search line for "map"
; In: EDX => string containing surface information (terminated with db 0,0)
; Out: CF = 0 map found, CF = 1 map not found EDX = ?
push edx
mov al,[edx]
cmp al,0
je fs_nomap
inc edx
upper al
cmp al,"M"
jne find_mapq
mov al,[edx+0]
upper al
cmp al,"A"
jne find_mapq
mov al,[edx+1]
upper al
cmp al,"P"
jne find_mapq
pop edx
pop edx
; Replace 13,10 with 0,0
; In: EDX => start location
; ECX = length
; Out: ?
inc ecx
push ecx
mov al,10
mov edi,edx
repnz scasb
cmp ecx,0
je re13
mov byte ptr [edi-1],0
jmp re10
mov al,13
mov edi,edx
pop ecx
repnz scasb
cmp ecx,0
je _ret
mov byte ptr [edi-1],0
jmp re13s
; Replace " " with 0
; In: EDX => start location
; ECX = length
; Out: ?
inc ecx
push ecx
mov al," "
mov edi,edx
repnz scasb
cmp ecx,0
je _ret
mov byte ptr [edi-1],0
jmp resp
; Auto calculate normal
; In:
; EBX = point 1
; ECX = point 2
; EBP = point 3
; Out:
; EBX = finx = x of surface normal of triangle
; ECX = finy = y of surface normal of triangle
; EBP = finz = z of surface normal of triangle
; EAX = D of equation (Ax+By+Cz=D)
mov esi,connmem
mov eax,[esi+ebx*4+ox]
mov edx,[esi+ebx*4+oy]
mov edi,[esi+ebx*4+oz]
mov lx1,eax
mov ly1,edx
mov lz1,edi
mov eax,[esi+ecx*4+ox]
mov edx,[esi+ecx*4+oy]
mov edi,[esi+ecx*4+oz]
mov lx2,eax
mov ly2,edx
mov lz2,edi
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+ox]
mov edx,[esi+ebp*4+oy]
mov edi,[esi+ebp*4+oz]
mov lx3,eax
mov ly3,edx
mov lz3,edi
call calc_normal
call calc_d
; Calc_normal: calculate surface normal
; In:
; LX1 - x of point 1 on triangle
; LY1 - y of point 1 on triangle
; LZ1 - z of point 1 on triangle
; LX2 - x of point 2 on triangle
; LY2 - y of point 2 on triangle
; LZ2 - z of point 2 on triangle
; LX3 - x of point 3 on triangle
; LY3 - y of point 3 on triangle
; LZ3 - z of point 3 on triangle
; Out:
; EBX = finx = x of surface normal of triangle
; ECX = finy = y of surface normal of triangle
; EBP = finz = z of surface normal of triangle
; Notes:
; x2 = x2 - x1
; y2 = y2 - y1
; z2 = z2 - z1
; x3 = x3 - x1
; y3 = y3 - y1
; z3 = z3 - z1
; x = y2 * z3 - z2 * y3
; y = z2 * x3 - x2 * z3
; z = x2 * y3 - y2 * x3
; a = SQR(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + z ^ 2)
; x = INT(x / a * 256 + .5)
; y = INT(y / a * 256 + .5)
; z = INT(z / a * 256 + .5)
; This worked for me on the first try!
; If you wanted to get the equation of a plane, you could do this after:
; d = - x * x1 - y * y1 - z * z1
lx1 dd 0
ly1 dd 0
lz1 dd 0
lx2 dd 0
ly2 dd 0
lz2 dd 0
lx3 dd 0
ly3 dd 0
lz3 dd 0
finx dd 0
finy dd 0
finz dd 0
mov ebx,lx1
mov ecx,ly1
mov ebp,lz1
sub lx2,ebx
sub ly2,ecx
sub lz2,ebp
sub lx3,ebx
sub ly3,ecx
sub lz3,ebp
mov eax,ly2
mov ebx,lz3
imul ebx
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,lz2
mov ebx,ly3
imul ebx
sub ecx,eax
mov finx,ecx ; save x of normal
mov eax,lz2
mov ebx,lx3
imul ebx
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,lx2
mov ebx,lz3
imul ebx
sub ecx,eax
mov finy,ecx ; save y of normal
mov eax,lx2
mov ebx,ly3
imul ebx
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,ly2
mov ebx,lx3
imul ebx
sub ecx,eax
mov finz,ecx ; save z of normal
cmp finx,32768 ; make sure (normal^2)*2 is < 2^32
jge calc_shrit
cmp finy,32768
jge calc_shrit
cmp finz,32768
jge calc_shrit
cmp finx,-32768
jle calc_shrit
cmp finy,-32768
jle calc_shrit
cmp finz,-32768
jg ok_2_bite_dust
shr finx,1 ; calculations will be too large if squared, div by 2
test finx,40000000h
jz no_neg_calc1
or finx,80000000h
shr finy,1
test finy,40000000h
jz no_neg_calc2
or finy,80000000h
shr finz,1
test finz,40000000h
jz no_neg_calc3
or finz,80000000h
jmp calc_testloop
mov eax,finx ; x^2
mov edi,eax ; objects
imul edi
mov edi,eax
mov eax,finy ; y^2
mov esi,eax
imul esi
mov esi,eax
mov eax,finz ; z^2
mov ebp,eax
imul ebp
add eax,esi
add eax,edi
call sqrt ; get square root of number
mov ecx,eax
cmp ecx,0
je lam_abort ; should never happen!
mov eax,finx
shld edx,eax,10
shl eax,10 ; set unit vector to 2^12
idiv ecx
mov finx,eax
mov eax,finy
shld edx,eax,10
shl eax,10
idiv ecx
mov finy,eax
mov eax,finz
shld edx,eax,10
shl eax,10
idiv ecx
mov finz,eax
mov ebx,finx
mov ecx,finy
mov ebp,finz
; Calc_D: Calculate D portion of equation of a plane
; In:
; EBX = x of surface normal of triangle
; ECX = y of surface normal of triangle
; EBP = z of surface normal of triangle
; LX1 - x of point on triangle (any point)
; LY1 - y of point on triangle
; LZ1 - z of point on triangle
; Out:
; EDX = EAX = D of equation (Ax+By+Cz=D)
mov eax,lx1
imul ebx
mov esi,eax
mov eax,ly1
imul ecx
add esi,eax
mov eax,lz1
imul ebp
add eax,esi
shr eax,2 ; reduce result to avoid inaccuracy
test eax,20000000h
jz calc_o
or eax,0c0000000h
mov edx,eax
; Sqrt: Routine courtesy TRAN
; In:
; EAX - number to take root of
; Out:
; EAX - root
sqrtbasetbl db 0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144,169,196,225
mov ebp,eax
bsr ebx,eax
jnz short sqrtf0
xor ebx,ebx
shr ebx,3
lea eax,[ebx*8]
mov cl,32
sub cl,al
rol ebp,cl
mov eax,ebp
movzx eax,al
mov edi,offset sqrtbasetbl
mov ecx,10h
je short sqrtl0d
jb short sqrtl0d2
loop sqrtl0
inc edi
dec edi
inc cl
movzx edx,byte ptr [edi-1]
dec cl
xor cl,0fh
mov edi,ecx
mov ecx,ebx
jecxz short sqrtdone
sub eax,edx
shld eax,ebp,8
rol ebp,8
mov ebx,edi
shl ebx,5
xor edx,edx
mov esi,eax
div ebx
rol edi,4
add edi,eax
add ebx,eax
imul eax,ebx
mov edx,eax
mov eax,esi
sub eax,edx
jc short sqrtf1
loop sqrtml
mov [esp+28],edi
dec ebx
dec edi
movzx eax,bl
and al,1fh
jmp sqrtf2
; Search and Build points table
; In:
; EBX - x of point
; ECX - y of point
; EBP - z of point
; Out:
; EAX - assigned point number
mov eax,ebx
or eax,ecx
or eax,ebp
jnz cpnotnull
mov esi,connmem
mov eax,1
cmp dword ptr [esi+eax*4+ox],0
jne ckdotest
cmp dword ptr [esi+eax*4+oy],0
jne ckdotest
cmp dword ptr [esi+eax*4+oz],0
jne ckdotest
mov [esi+eax*4+ox],ebx
mov [esi+eax*4+oy],ecx
mov [esi+eax*4+oz],ebp
inc points
cmp eax,maxpoints
jae exiterr4
cmp [esi+eax*4+ox],ebx
jne cknotest
cmp [esi+eax*4+oy],ecx
jne cknotest
cmp [esi+eax*4+oz],ebp
jne cknotest
inc eax
cmp eax,maxpoints
jae exiterr4
jmp cploop
; Get next number (float) after string EDX
; In: EDX => string to search for
; Out:EAX = 32bit float number (fake float, you know what I mean)
mov edi,fileloc
mov ebp,dxfo
add ebp,dxfsize
call search_string
jc gn_nf
mov edx,edi
call next
mov fileloc,edx
call _get_float32
push eax
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov fileloc,edx
pop eax
; Add DXF into connections, points, calculate normals and load materials.
; In:
; fileloc => location to start checking for 3dfaces
; filetill => location to end checking for 3dfaces
; This adds a DXF file to the already loaded connections (usually empty), but
; you could mix more than one DXF file if you really wanted to. This is
; useful for adding only 3dfaces that are within blocks (if option set).
; Psuedo code:
;Variables p= x(p) y(p) z(p)
; c= sd(c) p1(c) p2(c) wg(c) wc(c) a(c) b(c) c(c) d(c) mt(c)
; c = connections
; p = points
; sd = surface number
; p1 = point 1 (start of line)
; p2 = point 2 (end of line)
; wg = where are we going
; wc = where did we come from
; a,b,c,d = equation of plane
; mt = material texture for surface (layer name)
;search "3DFACE" not found => exit
; search "8"
; call next
; assign material
;search "10" => x(p)
;search "20" => y(p)
;search "30" => z(p)
;search "11" => x(p+1)
;search "21" => y(p+1)
;search "31" => z(p+1)
;search "12" => x(p+2)
;search "22" => y(p+2)
;search "32" => z(p+2)
;search "13" => x(p+3)
;search "23" => y(p+3)
;search "33" => z(p+3)
; m(c+0) = material
; p1(c+0) =(p+0)
; p2(c+0) =(p+1)
; wg(c+0) =(c+1)
; wc(c+0) =(c+3)
; m(c+1) = material
; p1(c+1) =(p+0)
; p2(c+1) =(p+1)
; wg(c+1) =(c+2)
; wc(c+1) =(c+0)
; m(c+2) = material
; p1(c+2) =(p+0)
; p2(c+2) =(p+1)
; wg(c+2) =(c+3)
; wc(c+2) =(c+1)
; m(c+3) = material
; p1(c+3) =(p+0)
; p2(c+3) =(p+1)
; wg(c+3) =(c+0)
; wc(c+3) =(c+2)
; calc normal
; calc D
; d(c+0)=D
; d(c+1)=D
; d(c+2)=D
; d(c+3)=D
; if 10=40
; if 11=41
; if 12=42
; wg(c+2)=c+0
; wc(c+0)=c+2
; c=c-1
; p=p-1
; p=p+4
; c=c+4
; goto search face
tag1 db "3DFACE",0
tag2 db "8",0
tagx db "10",0,0
db "11",0,0
db "12",0,0
db "13",0,0
tagy db "20",0,0
db "21",0,0
db "22",0,0
db "23",0,0
tagz db "30",0,0
db "31",0,0
db "32",0,0
db "33",0,0
mov edx,offset tag1
mov edi,fileloc
mov ebp,facetill
call search_string
jc _ret
mov edx,offset tag2
mov ebp,facetill
call search_string
jc dxf_3dfaces ; no layer to surface?
mov edx,edi
call next
mov fileloc,edx
call assign_material
mov thismaterial,eax
cmp layer,no
je dxf_nosel
mov ecx,eax
call find_info
cmp edx,offset fidefault
je dxf_3dfaces
mov temp1,0
mov ecx,temp1
lea edx,[tagx+ecx*4]
call getnumber
add eax,nx
mov ebx,scale
imul32 ebx
add eax,nu
push eax
mov ecx,temp1
lea edx,[tagy+ecx*4]
call getnumber
add eax,ny
mov ebx,scale
imul32 ebx
add eax,nw
push eax
mov ecx,temp1
lea edx,[tagz+ecx*4]
call getnumber
add eax,nz
mov ebx,scale
imul32 ebx
add eax,nv
cmp yneg,yes
je noyneg
neg eax
mov ecx,eax
pop ebp
pop ebx
call check_point
push eax
inc temp1
cmp temp1,4
jne dxf_lp1
pop edx ; 3
pop ecx ; 2
pop ebx ; 1
pop eax ; 0
mov ebp,connections
mov esi,connmem
mov edi,surfaces
cmp eax,ecx ; check for point: 1,1,1,1
je dxf_point
cmp eax,ecx ; check for line: 1,2,1,2 or 1,2,1,1
je dxf_line
cmp eax,edx ; check for triangle: 0 1 2 0 or 0 1 2 2
je dxf_tri
cmp ecx,edx
jne dxf_4point ; must be a 4 point surface...
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+p1],eax ; p1(ebp)=eax
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+p2],ebx ; p2(ebp)=ebx
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+p1],ebx ; p1(ebp+1)=ebx
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+p2],ecx ; p2(ebp+1)=ecx
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+p1],ecx ; p1(ebp+2)=ecx
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+p2],eax ; p2(ebp+2)=eax
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp)=ebp+2
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp+1)=ebp+0
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp+2)=ebp+1
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wc],2
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+2)*4+wc],1
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp)=ebp+1
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp+1)=ebp+2
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp+2)=ebp+0
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wg],1
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+1)*4+wg],2
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+sd],edi ; sd(ebp)=surface number
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+sd],edi
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+sd],edi
mov edi,thismaterial
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+mt],edi ; set material for surface
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+mt],edi
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+mt],edi
mov ebp,ecx
mov ecx,ebx
mov ebx,eax
call acalc_normal
mov edi,connections
mov esi,connmem
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ea],ebx
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+eb],ecx
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ec],ebp
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ed],edx
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+ea],ebx
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+eb],ecx
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+ec],ebp
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+ed],edx
mov [esi+(edi+2)*4+ea],ebx
mov [esi+(edi+2)*4+eb],ecx
mov [esi+(edi+2)*4+ec],ebp
mov [esi+(edi+2)*4+ed],edx
add surfaces,1
add connections,3
jmp dxf_3dfaces
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+p1],eax ; p1(ebp)=eax
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+p2],ebx ; p2(ebp)=ebx
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+p1],ebx ; p1(ebp+1)=ebx
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+p2],ecx ; p2(ebp+1)=ecx
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+p1],ecx ; p1(ebp+2)=ecx
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+p2],edx ; p2(ebp+2)=edx
mov [esi+(ebp+3)*4+p1],edx ; p1(ebp+3)=edx
mov [esi+(ebp+3)*4+p2],eax ; p2(ebp+3)=eax
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp)=ebp+3
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp+1)=ebp+0
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp+2)=ebp+1
mov [esi+(ebp+3)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp+3)=ebp+2
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wc],3
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+2)*4+wc],1
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+3)*4+wc],2
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp)=ebp+1
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp+1)=ebp+2
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp+2)=ebp+3
mov [esi+(ebp+3)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp+3)=ebp+0
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wg],1
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+1)*4+wg],2
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+2)*4+wg],3
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+sd],edi ; sd(ebp)=surface number
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+sd],edi
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+sd],edi
mov [esi+(ebp+3)*4+sd],edi
mov edi,thismaterial
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+mt],edi ; set material for surface
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+mt],edi
mov [esi+(ebp+2)*4+mt],edi
mov [esi+(ebp+3)*4+mt],edi
mov ebp,ecx
mov ecx,ebx
mov ebx,eax
call acalc_normal
mov edi,connections
mov esi,connmem
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ea],ebx
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+eb],ecx
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ec],ebp
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ed],edx
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+ea],ebx
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+eb],ecx
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+ec],ebp
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+ed],edx
mov [esi+(edi+2)*4+ea],ebx
mov [esi+(edi+2)*4+eb],ecx
mov [esi+(edi+2)*4+ec],ebp
mov [esi+(edi+2)*4+ed],edx
mov [esi+(edi+3)*4+ea],ebx
mov [esi+(edi+3)*4+eb],ecx
mov [esi+(edi+3)*4+ec],ebp
mov [esi+(edi+3)*4+ed],edx
add surfaces,1
add connections,4
jmp dxf_3dfaces
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+p1],eax ; p1(ebp)=eax
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+p2],ebx ; p2(ebp)=ebx
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+p1],ebx ; p1(ebp+1)=ebx
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+p2],eax ; p2(ebp+1)=ecx
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp)=ebp+1
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp+1)=ebp+0
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wc],1
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp)=ebp+1
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp+1)=ebp+0
add dword ptr [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wg],1
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+sd],edi ; sd(ebp)=surface number
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+sd],edi
mov edi,thismaterial
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+mt],edi ; set material for surface
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+mt],edi
xor eax,eax
mov edi,connections
mov esi,connmem
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ea],eax
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+eb],eax
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ec],eax
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ed],eax
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+ea],eax
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+eb],eax
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+ec],eax
mov [esi+(edi+1)*4+ed],eax
add surfaces,1
add connections,2
jmp dxf_3dfaces
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+p1],eax ; p1(ebp)=eax
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+p2],eax ; p2(ebp)=ebx
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp)=ebp+0
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wc],ebp ; wc(ebp+1)=ebp+0
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp)=ebp+0
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+wg],ebp ; wg(ebp+1)=ebp+0
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+sd],edi ; sd(ebp)=surface number
mov edi,thismaterial
mov [esi+(ebp+0)*4+mt],edi ; set material for surface
xor eax,eax
mov edi,connections
mov esi,connmem
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ea],eax
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+eb],eax
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ec],eax
mov [esi+(edi+0)*4+ed],eax
add surfaces,1
add connections,1
jmp dxf_3dfaces
; Input Polyline PFACEs
; In:
; fileloc => location to start checking for 3dfaces
; filetill => location to end checking for 3dfaces
tag3 db "POLYLINE",0
tag4 db "VERTEX",0
tag70 db "70",0
tag71 db "71",0
tag72 db "72",0
tag73 db "73",0
tag74 db "74",0
mov edx,offset tag3
mov edi,fileloc
mov ebp,facetill
call search_string
jc _ret
mov edx,offset tag2
mov ebp,facetill
call search_string
jc dxf_polylines ; no layer to polyline?
mov edx,edi
call next
mov fileloc,edx
call assign_material
mov thismaterial,eax
cmp layer,no
je dxf_pnosel
mov ecx,eax
call find_info
cmp edx,offset fidefault
je dxf_polylines
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov edi,edx
mov edx,offset tag70
mov ebp,facetill
call search_string
jc exiterr6
mov edx,edi
call next
call _strhtn
call _vct16
cmp eax,64
jne dxf_polylines
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov edi,edx
mov edx,offset tag71
mov ebp,facetill
call search_string
jc exiterr6
mov edx,edi
call next
call _strhtn
call _vct32
mov pvertexs,eax
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov edi,edx
mov edx,offset tag72
mov ebp,facetill
call search_string
jc exiterr6
mov edx,edi
call next
mov fileloc,edx
call _strhtn
call _vct32
mov pfaces,eax
mov temp2,eax
mov temp1,1
mov edi,fileloc
mov edx,offset tag4
mov ebp,facetill
call search_string
jc exiterr6
mov fileloc,edi
mov edx,offset tagx
call getnumber
add eax,nx
mov ebx,scale
imul32 ebx
add eax,nu
push eax
mov edx,offset tagy
call getnumber
add eax,ny
mov ebx,scale
imul32 ebx
add eax,nw
push eax
mov edx,offset tagz
call getnumber
add eax,nz
mov ebx,scale
imul32 ebx
add eax,nv
cmp yneg,yes
je noynegp
neg eax
mov ecx,eax
pop ebp
pop ebx
call check_point
mov edi,temp1
mov polyindex[edi*4],eax
inc temp1
mov eax,temp1
cmp eax,pvertexs
jbe dxfpv_load
mov edi,fileloc ; now reconstruct polyline into face
mov edx,offset tag4
mov ebp,facetill
call search_string
jc exiterr6
mov edx,offset tag71
call getnumber
shr eax,16
mov ebp,connections ; set first point in poly
mov startconn,ebp
mov eax,[polyindex+eax*4]
mov start,eax
mov esi,connmem
mov [esi+ebp*4+p1],eax
mov edx,offset tag72
call getnumber
jc exiterr6
shr eax,16
movsx eax,ax
mov temp3,0
cmp eax,0
jge pf_kkl
neg eax
mov temp3,1
mov ebp,[polyindex+eax*4]
cmp ebp,start
je pf_close
call addpoint
cmp temp3,1
je pf_close
mov edx,offset tag73
call getnumber
jc pf_close
shr eax,16
movsx eax,ax
mov temp3,0
cmp eax,0
jge pf_kkq
neg eax
mov temp3,1
mov ebp,[polyindex+eax*4]
cmp ebp,start
je pf_close
call addpoint
cmp temp3,1
je pf_close
mov temp4,0
mov edx,offset tag74
call getnumber
jc pf_close
mov temp4,1 ; temp4 = 1 means calc normal
shr eax,16
movsx eax,ax
mov temp3,0
cmp eax,0
jge pf_negit
neg eax
mov temp3,1
mov ebp,[polyindex+eax*4]
cmp ebp,start
je pf_close
call addpoint
cmp temp3,0
je pf_close
mov edi,fileloc
mov edx,offset tag4
mov ebp,facetill
call search_string
jc exiterr6
mov edx,offset tag73
call getnumber
jc exiterr6
shr eax,16
movsx eax,ax
mov temp3,0
cmp eax,0
jge pf_negitp
neg eax
mov temp3,1
mov ebp,[polyindex+eax*4]
cmp ebp,start
je pf_close
call addpoint
cmp temp3,1
je pf_multi
mov eax,startconn
mov ebp,connections
mov esi,connmem
mov [esi+eax*4+wc],ebp
mov [esi+ebp*4+wg],eax
mov ebx,start
mov [esi+ebp*4+p2],ebx
mov eax,thismaterial
mov [esi+ebp*4+mt],eax
mov eax,surfaces
mov [esi+ebp*4+sd],eax
cmp temp4,0
je pf_nnor
mov esi,connmem
mov edx,startconn
mov ebx,[esi+(edx+0)*4+p1]
mov ecx,[esi+(edx+0)*4+p2]
mov ebp,[esi+(edx+1)*4+p2]
call acalc_normal
mov esi,connmem
mov eax,startconn
mov [esi+(eax+0)*4+ea],ebx
mov [esi+(eax+0)*4+eb],ecx
mov [esi+(eax+0)*4+ec],ebp
mov [esi+(eax+0)*4+ed],edx
mov eax,[esi+(eax+0)*4+wg]
cmp eax,startconn
jne pf_applyl
inc connections
inc surfaces
dec pfaces
jnz dxf_pmore
jmp dxf_polylines
mov ebp,connections
mov eax,[polyindex+eax*4]
mov esi,connmem
mov [esi+ebp*4+p2],eax
mov [esi+(ebp+1)*4+p1],eax
mov [esi+ebp*4+wg],ebp
inc dword ptr [esi+ebp*4+wg]
mov eax,surfaces
mov [esi+ebp*4+sd],eax
mov eax,thismaterial
mov [esi+ebp*4+mt],eax
inc connections
; Find opposite connection for line EBP
; In: EBX = connection to find pair for
; Out: CF = 1 not found, CF = 0 connection found at EDI!
mov esi,connmem
mov ecx,[esi+ebp*4+p1] ; eg have (7,9) look for (9,7)
mov edx,[esi+ebp*4+p2]
mov eax,ecx
or eax,edx
jz fpnomatch
xor edi,edi
mov eax,[esi+edi*4+p2]
mov ebx,[esi+edi*4+p1]
cmp eax,ecx
jne fpnotmatch0
cmp ebx,edx
jne fpnotmatch0 ; backwards points?
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+ea] ; yes, test if same plane equation
cmp [esi+edi*4+ea],eax
jne fpnotmatch1
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+eb]
cmp [esi+edi*4+eb],eax
jne fpnotmatch1
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+ec]
cmp [esi+edi*4+ec],eax
jne fpnotmatch1
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+ed]
cmp [esi+edi*4+ed],eax
jne fpnotmatch1
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+mt] ; same equation, test if same material
cmp [esi+edi*4+mt],eax
jne fpnotmatch1
or eax,ebx
jz fpnomatch
inc edi
cmp edi,maxpoints
jl fploop
mov edi,-1
; Renumber surfaces
xor ebx,ebx
call rn_lowest
jc _ret
call rn_eax2ebx
inc ebx
jmp rnloop
; Search for lowest surface number (but above EBX)
; In: EBX = lowest surface number to test
; Out:
; CF = 1, not found.
; CF = 0
; EAX = lowest surface number
; EBP = connection number where found
mov esi,connmem
mov ecx,connections
mov eax,-1
mov edx,[esi+(ecx-1)*4+sd]
cmp ebx,edx
ja rnlnotel
cmp eax,edx
jb rnlnotel
mov eax,edx
mov ebp,ecx
dec ebp
loop rnlloop
inc eax
sub eax,1
; Renumber surfaces EAX to EBX
mov esi,connmem
lea edi,[esi+sd]
mov ecx,connections
repnz scasd
cmp ecx,0
jz _ret
mov [edi-4],ebx
jmp rn_eaxl
; Delete unused points and collect
mov esi,connmem
mov eax,1
lea edi,[esi+p1]
mov ecx,connections
repnz scasd
sub ecx,1
jnc cpused
lea edi,[esi+p2]
mov ecx,connections
repnz scasd
sub ecx,1
jnc cpused
call cpdeleteit
inc eax
cmp eax,points
jne coploop
; Delete point EAX
mov ebp,points
mov esi,connmem
lea ecx,[ebp-eax]
lea edi,[esi+(eax+0)*4+ox]
lea esi,[esi+(eax+1)*4+ox]
rep movsd
mov esi,connmem
lea ecx,[ebp-eax]
lea edi,[esi+(eax+0)*4+oy]
lea esi,[esi+(eax+1)*4+oy]
rep movsd
mov esi,connmem
lea ecx,[ebp-eax]
lea edi,[esi+(eax+0)*4+oz]
lea esi,[esi+(eax+1)*4+oz]
rep movsd
mov esi,connmem
mov ecx,connections
xor ebp,ebp
mov ebx,[esi+ebp*4+p1]
cmp ebx,eax
jb cpskip1
dec dword ptr [esi+ebp*4+p1]
mov ebx,[esi+ebp*4+p2]
cmp ebx,eax
jb cpskip2
dec dword ptr [esi+ebp*4+p2]
inc ebp
loop cpdloop
dec points
; Wipe D value from plane equation if no iteration used
cmp iterate,yes
je _ret
mov esi,connmem
mov ecx,connections
dec ecx
xor edx,edx
mov [esi+(ecx)*4+ed],edx
loop wdkl
mov [esi+(ecx)*4+ed],edx
; Output file - file is opened and ready
mov ecx,40 ; output header info
mov al,"."
mov edi,offset outputname
repnz scasb
mov byte ptr [edi-1],0
sub edi,offset outputname
push edi
push edi
mov edx,offset header0
call _write_null
mov edx,offset header1
call _write_null
mov edx,offset outputname
call _write_null
pop ecx
mov edx,offset header7
add edx,ecx
call _write_null
mov edx,offset header2
call _write_null
mov edx,offset outputname
call _write_null
mov edx,offset header3
call _write_null
mov edx,offset outputname
call _write_null
pop ecx
mov edx,offset header4
add edx,ecx
call _write_null
mov eax,points
call _write_dec16
mov eax,","
call _write_string4
mov eax,surfaces
call _write_dec16
call _write_ret
mov edx,offset header4
call _write_null
mov edx,offset header5
call _write_null
call _write_ret
call _write_ret
mov temp1,1 ; now output points
mov edx,offset header4
call _write_null
mov esi,connmem
mov ecx,temp1
mov eax,[esi+ecx*4+ox]
mov edx,offset buffer
call _write_neg16
call _write_null
mov eax,","
call _write_string4
mov esi,connmem
mov ecx,temp1
mov eax,[esi+ecx*4+oy]
mov edx,offset buffer
call _write_neg16
call _write_null
mov eax,","
call _write_string4
mov esi,connmem
mov ecx,temp1
mov eax,[esi+ecx*4+oz]
mov edx,offset buffer
call _write_neg16
call _write_null
mov edx,offset header6
call _write_null
mov eax,temp1
call _write_dec16
call _write_ret
inc temp1
mov ecx,temp1
cmp ecx,points
jbe of_loop1
call _write_ret
mov temp1,0 ; output surfaces
mov ebx,temp1
call rn_lowest
mov temp2,ebp
mov edx,offset header4
call _write_null
mov esi,connmem
mov ecx,temp2
mov ecx,[esi+ecx*4+mt]
call find_info
mov thismaterial,edx
mov edx,thismaterial
call find_shade
jc dp_noshade0
mov esi,connmem
mov ebp,temp2
mov ebp,[esi+ebp*4+wg]
mov ebp,[esi+ebp*4+wg]
cmp ebp,temp2
jne dp_noshade0
mov edx,offset fidefaull
mov thismaterial,edx
mov edx,thismaterial
call change_underscore ; if direct copy used (underscore), change to ","
call write_mat
mov eax,","
call _write_string4
mov edx,thismaterial
call find_map
jc dp_nobitmap
mov ebp,temp2
mov esi,connmem
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+p1]
call _write_dec16
jmp dp_noshade
mov ebp,temp2
mov esi,connmem
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+p1]
call _write_dec16
mov temp3,ebp
mov eax,","
call _write_string4
mov esi,connmem
mov ebp,temp3
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+p2]
call _write_dec16
mov esi,connmem
mov ebp,temp3
mov ebp,[esi+ebp*4+wg]
cmp temp2,ebp
jne dp_cloop
mov edx,thismaterial
call find_shade
jc dp_noshade
mov esi,connmem
mov ebp,temp2
mov ebp,[esi+ebp*4+wg]
mov ebp,[esi+ebp*4+wg]
cmp ebp,temp2
je dp_noshade
cmp tnormal,no
je normalnormal
mov eax,","
call _write_string4
mov esi,connmem
mov ebp,temp2
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+ea]
shr eax,2
mov edx,offset buffer
call _write_neg16
call unpad
call _write_null
mov eax,","
call _write_string4
mov esi,connmem
mov ebp,temp2
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+eb]
shr eax,2
mov edx,offset buffer
call _write_neg16
call unpad
call _write_null
mov eax,","
call _write_string4
mov esi,connmem
mov ebp,temp2
mov eax,[esi+ebp*4+ec]
shr eax,2
mov edx,offset buffer
call _write_neg16
call unpad
call _write_null
jmp dp_noshade
mov edx,offset header9
call _write_null
call write_colon
call _write_ret
inc temp1
mov ecx,temp1
cmp ecx,surfaces
jne dp_sloop
call _write_ret
header0 db ";DXF23DV Converter V0.5 - This conversion conforms to version 3DVECT35",13,10,13,10,0
header1 db "h",0
header2 db "-1",13,10," dd offset o",0
header3 db " - offset $ - 4",13,10,13,10,"o",0
header4 db " dw ",0
header5 db "25 dup (0)",0
header6 db " ; point ",0
header7 db " dd ",0
header8 db " offset o",0
header9 db ",0,0,0",0
; Find if input name is a DXF or a PLG
; Defaults to DXF
; Out: CF = 1, PLG CF = 0, DXF
mov ecx,40 ; output header info
mov al,"."
mov edi,offset inputname
inc edi
cmp [edi-1],al
loopne isloop
mov al,byte ptr [edi+0]
upper al
cmp al,"P"
jne itsadxf
mov al,byte ptr [edi+1]
upper al
cmp al,"L"
jne itsadxf
mov al,byte ptr [edi+2]
upper al
cmp al,"G"
jne itsadxf
; Input PLG file
mov edx,dxfo
call unpad
mov al,[edx]
cmp al,"9"
jbe plg_start
call next
jmp plg_unpad
mov fileloc,edx
call _strhtn
call _vct32
mov temp2,eax
mov edx,fileloc
call next
call _strhtn
call _vct32
mov surfaces,eax
mov edx,fileloc
call next
call next
mov fileloc,edx
mov temp1,0 ; begin loading of points
mov edx,fileloc
call _get_float32
add eax,nx
mov ebx,scale
imul32 ebx
add eax,nu
push eax
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov fileloc,edx
call _get_float32
add eax,ny
mov ebx,scale
imul32 ebx
add eax,nv
cmp yneg,yes
je noynegt
neg eax
push eax
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov fileloc,edx
call _get_float32
add eax,nz
mov ebx,scale
imul32 ebx
add eax,nw
push eax
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov fileloc,edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop ebp
call check_point ; add point to list
mov edi,temp1
mov polyindex[edi*4],eax
inc temp1
dec temp2
jnz plg_points
mov eax,surfaces ; begin loading of surfaces
mov temp2,eax
xor eax,eax
mov surfaces,eax
mov edx,fileloc ; get material. eg: 0x8001
call assign_material
mov thismaterial,eax
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov fileloc,edx
call _strhtn ; number of connections in list
call _vct32
mov temp3,eax
mov temp4,eax
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov fileloc,edx
call _strhtn
call _vct32
mov start,eax
mov ebp,connections ; set first point in poly
mov startconn,ebp
mov eax,[polyindex+eax*4]
mov esi,connmem
mov [esi+ebp*4+p1],eax
cmp temp3,1
je plg_close
dec temp3
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov fileloc,edx
call _strhtn
call _vct32
mov ecx,[polyindex+eax*4]
mov ebp,start
cmp ecx,[polyindex+ebp*4]
je plg_closez
call addpoint
dec temp3
jnz plg_ll
jmp plg_close
dec temp3
jz plg_close
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov fileloc,edx
jmp plg_closez
mov edx,fileloc
call next
mov fileloc,edx
mov eax,startconn
mov ebp,connections
mov esi,connmem
mov [esi+eax*4+wc],ebp
mov [esi+ebp*4+wg],eax
mov ebx,start
mov ebx,[polyindex+ebx*4]
mov [esi+ebp*4+p2],ebx
mov eax,thismaterial
mov [esi+ebp*4+mt],eax
mov eax,surfaces
mov [esi+ebp*4+sd],eax
cmp temp4,2
jle plg_nnor
mov esi,connmem
mov edx,startconn
mov ebx,[esi+(edx+0)*4+p1]
mov ecx,[esi+(edx+0)*4+p2]
mov ebp,[esi+(edx+1)*4+p2]
call acalc_normal
mov esi,connmem
mov eax,startconn
mov [esi+(eax+0)*4+ea],ebx
mov [esi+(eax+0)*4+eb],ecx
mov [esi+(eax+0)*4+ec],ebp
mov [esi+(eax+0)*4+ed],edx
mov eax,[esi+(eax+0)*4+wg]
cmp eax,startconn
jbe plg_applyl
inc connections
inc surfaces
cmp layer,no
je plg_pnosel
mov ecx,thismaterial
call find_info
cmp edx,offset fidefault
jne plg_pnosel
mov ecx,startconn
mov esi,connmem
xor eax,eax
mov [esi+(ecx+0)*4+ea],eax
mov [esi+(ecx+0)*4+eb],eax
mov [esi+(ecx+0)*4+ec],eax
mov [esi+(ecx+0)*4+ed],eax
inc ecx
cmp ecx,connections
jne plg_clrl
mov ecx,startconn
mov connections,ecx
dec surfaces
dec temp2
jnz plg_pmore
; Randomize number
xor eax,randomnumber
xor eax,edx
xchg al,ah
add eax,0cd9c9a8fh
xor eax,esi
add eax,edi
xor eax,0526dafb2h
add eax,ecx
xor eax,ebx
add eax,ebp
mov randomnumber,eax
in al,64
shl eax,8
in al,65
shl eax,8
in al,64
shl eax,8
in al,64
add randomnumber,eax
mov eax,randomnumber
; Get 8 bit random number from all random bits
; In: Randomnumber
; Out: AL = 8 bit result of all 32 random bits
mov eax,randomnumber
xor ah,al
shr eax,8
xor ah,al
shr eax,8
xor ah,al
shr eax,8
; Find if "rnd" is on line
; In: EDX => ASCIIZ string
; Out: ECX => rnd EDX = EDX
mov ecx,edx
mov al,[ecx]
cmp al,0
je fsnornd
inc ecx
upper al
cmp al,"R"
jne find_rndq
mov al,[ecx+0]
upper al
cmp al,"N"
jne find_rndq
mov al,[ecx+1]
upper al
cmp al,"D"
jne find_rndq
dec ecx
; Find if a colon ":" is on line
; In: EDX => ASCIIZ string
; Out:
; CF = 1 - not found
; ECX => end of line
; EAX = 0
; CF = 0 - found
; ECX => ":"
; EAX => ":"
mov ecx,edx
mov al,[ecx]
cmp al,0
je fsnocol
inc ecx
upper al
cmp al,":"
jne find_colq
dec ecx
mov eax,ecx
xor eax,eax
; Write material to file:
; check for occurance of RND - place number of found
; check for occurance of colon - place 0 where found, copy to buffer
temp5 dd 0
mov temp5,0
call find_rnd
jc _write_coln
mov al,[ecx]
push ax
mov al,[ecx+1]
push ax
mov al,[ecx+2]
push ax
push ecx
push edx
push ecx
call _randomize
call _random8
call _cv16
pop ecx
push eax
and al,0fh
add al,"0"
mov [ecx+2],al
pop eax
push eax
shr eax,4
and al,0fh
add al,"0"
mov [ecx+1],al
pop eax
shr eax,8
and al,0fh
add al,"0"
mov [ecx+0],al
pop edx
inc temp5
call find_rnd
jnc _write_nullx
call _write_coln
pop ecx
pop ax
mov [ecx+2],al
pop ax
mov [ecx+1],al
pop ax
mov [ecx],al
dec temp5
jnz wri_nx
call find_col
mov colon,eax
mov byte ptr [ecx],0
jmp _write_null
; Write out color buffer and restore material (if colon <>0)
mov edx,colon
or edx,edx
jz wc_nodata
mov byte ptr [edx],":"
inc edx
call _write_null
; Sort_them: Sort surfaces based on equation of plane
; Notes: This routine was much simpler, but it was too slow with objects
; greater than about 800 surfaces. old sort: 800=3 minutes to sort, yuk!
cmp shouldisort,no
je _ret
cmp surfaces,2
jl _ret
mov edx,offset okmsg6
call _putdosmsg
call prep_num
call prep_normal
mov temp1,0
mov temp2,1
mov eax,temp1
mov ebx,temp2
call testeq
jle st_noswitch
mov eax,temp1
mov ebx,temp2
call switch_em
inc temp2
mov eax,surfaces
cmp temp2,eax
jnae st_inner
mov eax,temp1
inc eax
mov temp2,eax
inc temp1
mov eax,surfaces
dec eax
cmp temp1,eax
jnae st_inner
call re_apply
; Testeq: Compare normal EAX against normal EBX
; In:
; EAX = connection for first compare
; EBX = connection for second compare
; Out:
; jl less
; je equal
mov esi,connmem
mov edx,[esi+eax*4+bv]
mov ebp,[esi+ebx*4+bv]
mov ecx,[esi+(ebp)*4+ed] ; get surface normal for inner loop
cmp ecx,[esi+(edx)*4+ed] ; get surface normal for outer loop
jne _ret
mov ecx,[esi+(ebp)*4+ec]
cmp ecx,[esi+(edx)*4+ec]
jne _ret
mov ecx,[esi+(ebp)*4+eb]
cmp ecx,[esi+(edx)*4+eb]
jne _ret
mov ecx,[esi+(ebp)*4+ea]
cmp ecx,[esi+(edx)*4+ea]
; Switch_em: Switch surfaces EAX and EBX
mov esi,connmem
mov ecx,[esi+eax*4+sk]
mov edi,[esi+ebx*4+sk]
mov [esi+eax*4+sk],edi
mov [esi+ebx*4+sk],ecx
mov ecx,[esi+eax*4+bv]
mov edi,[esi+ebx*4+bv]
mov [esi+eax*4+bv],edi
mov [esi+ebx*4+bv],ecx
; Number surfaces in preparation for sort
mov esi,connmem
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,surfaces
mov [esi+eax*4+sk],eax
inc eax
loop prep_loop
; Prepare normal indexers ready for sort
mov temp1,0
mov eax,surfaces
mov temp2,eax
mov ebx,temp1
call rn_lowest
mov ebx,temp1
mov esi,connmem
mov [esi+ebx*4+bv],ebp
inc temp1
dec temp2
jnz prep_lp
; re_apply sort to surface list
mov temp1,0
mov esi,connmem
mov eax,temp1
mov ebx,[esi+eax*4+sk]
xchg eax,ebx
add ebx,128000
call rn_eax2ebx
inc temp1
mov eax,surfaces
cmp temp1,eax
jnae re_loop1
mov temp1,0
mov esi,connmem
mov eax,temp1
mov ebx,[esi+eax*4+sk]
mov eax,ebx
add eax,128000
call rn_eax2ebx
inc temp1
mov eax,surfaces
cmp temp1,eax
jnae re_loop2
; Change any underscore characters to commas
; In:
; EDX => ASCIIZ Material to scan/change
; Out:
; EDX = EDX if no change
; EDX = EDX+1 if no changed material
cmp byte ptr [edx],"_"
jne _ret
inc edx ; direct copy command used, scan for _ and replace with ,
mov edi,edx
mov ecx,31
mov al,0
repne scasb
jcxz _ret
mov edi,edx
neg ecx
add ecx,31
jcxz _ret
mov al,"_"
repne scasb
jcxz _ret
mov byte ptr [edi-1],","
jmp cu_morescan
code32 ends